2023 Athlete of Year Awards

As 2023 draws to a close it is appropriate to officially announce the names of this year’s recipients of the coveted award winners in the various categories.

At elite level it was without doubt the most memorable of years.

Four National records, courtesy of Shot Putter Eric Favors (Indoors and Outdoors), Mark Smyth (Indoor 200m) and Brian Fay (5,000m).

Eight national senior titles; Eric Favors (Indoor and Outdoor Shot), Sophie Becker (Indoor 400m), Mark Smyth (Indoor and Outdoor 200m), Iseult O’Donnell (Indoor 800m), Brian Fay (5,000m) and Niamh Fogarty (Discus).

Add to that Orla Comerford’s, Brian Fay’s, Eric Favor’s World Championships qualifications and the incredible sight of Sophie Becker, lining up in not one but two 4 X 400m World finals.

All testimony to the fact that these indeed are heady days.

Imagine then the dilemma the club’s decision makers had when finalising the winners of the awards.

Junior Athlete of the Year – Jamie Whelan

Masters Athlete of the Year – Mary Lynch

Female Track & Field Athlete of the Year – Sophie Becker

Male Track & Field Athlete of the Year – Mark Smyth

Female Road & Cross Country Athlete of the Year – Niamh Kearney

Male Road & Cross Country Athlete of the Year – Brian Fay

Overall Athlete of the Year – Brian Fay

Jamie, Mary and Mark received their awards at a reception after the recent Joe Noonan race.

Unfortunately, Sophie, Niamh and Brian were not available at that time for various reasons. We will present those awards at an appropriate time in the near future.
