AXA Raheny 5 – Best Short Distance Race in 2016

The 2016 AXA Raheny 5 has been awarded the Running in Ireland award for best short distance race of 2016.

The prestigious award voted by athlete’s from across Ireland and abroad, brought a smile to race director Pat Hooper’s face as preparations continue for the 2017 event.

“This is a fantastic award to win” explained Pat Hooper founder of the Raheny 5 in 1985 and race director to this very day.

“We have strived to make this road race and the full day as the best event in Ireland and we have been working on that for the last 33 years.”

“It’s testament to all the hard work put in by people not just last year but in the entire history of the event and I hope everyone involved in the AXA Raheny 5 will take pride in it.”

“Preparations are coming along for Sunday and we hope to make 2017 an even better AXA Raheny 5 than last years.”

Pat recorded a short video for all Raheny 5 competitors and supporters.

