Let’s Talk Running Final Hints And Tips For Marathon Day

The Final Curtain is approaching and there is no turning back now. The 2022 Dublin Marathon date of October 30th is fast approaching. Time for all those final tips, checks and balances. The last of our presentations in the Lets Talk Running series takes place in the Old Church Clubhouse at 11am on Sunday 23rd October. Most excitingly the line up will be headed by our own distance running Coaching…


Let’s Talk Running Series – Meet the pacers

Join our fourth Let’s Talk Running Series – Meet the pacers on Sunday 18th September at 11am in the clubhouse. Join our panel discussion with a group of experienced Dublin City Marathon pacers, let’s talk pace, course detail segment by segment and get some hints and tips from these experienced runners. You don’t have to be doing the marathon to join this session come along and hear about race strategy…


Lets Talk Running Series – This Sunday

Following the success of our recent information session with Dublin Marathon Ambassadors Mick Clohisey and Catherina McKiernan we are delighted to introduce our ‘Lets talk running’ series. Over the coming months we will bring you various topics to support you in your marathon and race training. Kicking off this series on Sunday July 24th at 11am in the Raheny Shamrock clubhouse, we are delighted to welcome Olivia Keenan – Irish…
