Senior Men Cross Country Presentation Night

The Club President Paddy Noonan has called a club celebration in honour of the Men’s Senior National Cross Country Championship victory. As per Athletics Ireland rules only the four scoring members of the team are awarded medals. The Club’s President has decided that the club will present medals to all eight members of the team. This in following with other club’s who have won the National Senior Cross Country Championship….


European Club Cross Country – Supporters Notice

Those travelling to the European Club Cross Country Championships in Albuferia please note there is a planned celebration for the night of the race. A restaurant in Albuferia has been provisionally booked with a maximum of 40 people in attendance. Those interested please contact Larry Fox on 086 1231990 if they wish to attend.  


Juvenile Training is Back

Juvenile Training returns this Wednesday January 11th in Manor House. The training sessions are 5.30pm – 6.30pm  for 6-9 year olds and 6.30pm – 7.30pm for 10-12 year olds. For more information please contact – rahenyshamrockjuvs @ gmail. com
