Men’s Indoor League Team

Congratulations to the men’s team who qualified for the indoor league final which takes place in Athlone thisSaturday Feb 6th.

Those who competed in the qualifying rounds were:

Brian Hoban, Luc Bellintani, Conor Bermingham, Daniel Scully, Liam Sheehan, Feidhlim Kelly

Well done to all and in particular to those who had to step out of their comfort zone in order for us to qualify. The team for the final is as follows:

60m:      Colm Bourke

60m H:  TBD ?

200m:    Mark Smyth

400m:    Daniel Scully

800m:    Eoin Strutt

1500m:  Adam Foley

LJ:         Colm Bourke

HJ:        TBD ?

TJ:        Conor Bermingham

Shot:     Brion Hoban

PV:        Conor Bermingham

Best of luck to all competing and thanks to all the coaches without whom we wouldn’t have a team
