Acting Head Of Coaching

A decision taken at the club’s December executive committee meeting, saw the committee unanimously agreed to Michael’s Hynes request; he be given the role of acting head of coaching on an interim basis until the 2023 AGM.

Following a meeting between chairperson Mick Martin, director of performance Dick Hooper and Michael Hynes last week, Michael has been formally advised of this appointment.

We emphasise the interim nature of this position and that a similar coaching position needs to be recreated by way of a motion at our AGM; subsequent to that nomination/s to the newly created position for 2023 can be formalised.

As such, Michael Hynes is now able to activate his role.

This is a very important position for the club. The role has been vacant for close to 10-years since Gerry Giblin stepped down. In changing the operating structure of our club last year, the position of director of coaching was removed.

A motion will be required to be passed at the next AGM to recreate the position.

We all wish Michael well in his new role.
