Gear Swap Day Sunday July 28

As we are almost half way through the school Summer holidays we are looking to help everyone with athletics gear and the associated cost of it.

Sustainability is also a key aim for the club.

We are going to hold a gear exchange in the clubhouse on Sunday 28th July from 13.00 to 15:00.

The plan is that you bring runners, spikes, running shorts, running t-shirts, jackets that you / your children no longer need (have grown out of them etc) and allow other members to take them and use them.

You can then peruse what others bring to see if this helps you.

We will set out the gear in order of sizes to make it easy to drop off and pick up.

We ask that you only bring gear that is in good condition and that others will get good use out of. Only bring something that you would be happy to bring home.

Please do not bring race t-shirts.

You may not have anything to bring  but are looking to pick up a few items and that is ok too. The reuse of the gear is a key aim, there is no cost to any of this.

We hope to see you on the 28th.

We will look to arrange evening times during the week leading up to the 28th to allow gear to be dropped off.
