Kennedy Monks Second in Dublin Half

Tara Kennedy Monks took second place in the SSE Airtricity Dublin Half Marathon on Saturday.

Kennedy Monks clocked one 22 minutes and 43 seconds for second place, just 21 seconds behind race winner DSD’s Maria McCambridge, winning her first Dublin half marathon since 2013.

Kennedy Monks was nearly two minutes clear of third placed Denise Logue. Full Results;

Wesley O’Brien 66:01, Graham O’Dwyer 69:28, Mick Boyle 80:19, Robert Frewen 80:58, Colm Dunne 81:20, Jody Gilhooly 82:21, Eamon Traynor 84:01, Tara Kennedy Monks 84:21.

Gearóid Healy 84:47, Gerard Mullins 84:11, John Clohisey 85:53, Karen Crossan 86:54, Paul Frewen 92:07, Tommy Crampton 93:18, Keith Fleming 92:11, Mary Walsh 94:14.

Martin Kelly 93:50, Colm Hickey 95:53, Keith Comiskey 95:58, Brian Connor 96:28, Paul Larkin 97:33, David Hodson 97:10, Gabriel Byrne 99:35, Kate Martin 99:18.

Rachel Ormrod 1:40:56, Wesley Grant 1:28:59, Rose Kidd 1:42:23, Connor Jennings 1:43:32, Mary Lynch 1:42:59, Ann-Marie Gargan 1:48:20, Geraldine McGonagle 1:48:47, Mary Purdue-Smyth 1:48:12.

Alan Foley 1:42:47, David O’Connor 1:48:33, Jenny Colbert 1:50:33, Desmond Lyons 1:59:28, Oisín Peat 2:04:11, Maria Hughes 1:55:54, Cherie Hyland 1:57:43, Paul Hyland 1:58:01

Richard O’Connor 1:57:51, Áine  Duffy 2:02:40, Angela Charlton 1:51:24, Siobhan Foley 2:05:53, Margaret Byrne 2:13:35, Niamh  Donnellan 2:12:37, Maeve Devlin 2:35:06.
