Clubhouse Update: Access to Clubhouse

We are delighted to inform members, that you can now access our temporary clubhouse at the Old Church, Raheny Village.

To progress this without requiring members to volunteer and have people onsite, we have introduced a Key Fob access system with CCTV control.

Every member who wants to use the club’s facilities will require a Key Fob that will allow entry. We are also introducing CCTV to protect members, the premises and equipment.

The club hall and gym section is booked on certain nights for S&C classes and certain other groups who train with their coaches. All these activities are only for club members.

We will publish a timetable shortly, advertising what is taking place and what areas will be in use.

The S&C classes and other group training does not restrict access to the changing areas and kitchen facilities. We look forward to everyone using our new facility as a meeting place.

Clubhouse opening hours

The clubhouse will open Monday to Friday from 8am to 10pm. Saturday and Sunday 7am to 8pm (subject to ongoing review and member’s requirements).

Key fob usage

This system was installed at a cost to the club on the basis that we could self-finance, using money raised from selling KeyFobs to members.

We have kept this cost to a minimum and each FOB will be charged at €20. Replacement fobs will also be charged at €20.

Fobs cannot be shared and members should only allow access to themselves. Key fob holders must be fully paid members of the club.

There will be a number of nights when members can come down and purchase or collect prepaid Key fob. We will demonstrate how to use the Key fob and also highlight the clubhouses fire exits, escape routes and other important safety matters.

Key fob’s can be also be purchased online here or on Tuesday or Wednesday May 24/25 between 6:30pm and 8:30pm each night.

Please note: The CCTV system is now active for over a week – the cameras are positioned outside the main entrance door and inside the main hallway and kitchen.

The CCTV recording system self-deletes in a timely manner and may only be accessed by designated club members in the event of a serious matter that requires investigation.

Any questions or queries please email info
