Kelly sets club record with victory

Kieran Kelly set a new club indoor record in the 1500m in Glasgow. Competing at the Scottish Championships and stepping up from his favoured 800m, Kieran ran 3:52:74 for the metric mile as he won the 1500m title. Brian Leahy won St Annes parkrun in 17:09 with Alan O’Flynn third in 18:44. Other finishers were John Freir 20:04, Eamon Traynor 21:00, Sean McGoldrick 21:39, Des Lyons 21:42, Robert Lea 21:45,…


Gold for Masters Men

The O50 men’s team claimed gold at the National Masters XC in Dundalk IT while there were individual medals for Mick Traynor, Damien Martin and Annette Kealy. Mick Traynor led the team home in 9th place overall and second O50 while Damien Martin was 31st overall and 3rd O50. Brian Kelly was third scorer in 97th and Dave Woods final scorer in 165th. Other finishers were Dave Kirwin (29th), Wes…


Winter League Round 5

Donal Foley was tonight’s winner of the Winter League 2 mile. Donal won in a time of 10:35, with Mick Traynor 10 seconds back in second place with Dave Byrne a further 7 seconds in third. Helen Carr was winner of the women’s race in 12:49 with Orla Gormley (13:06) second and Elaine McNulty (13:19) in third. The league continues in two week.


Weekend Round Up

There were some good performances by both the men’s and women’s team at the Indoor League in Athlone. Colm Bourke set a new club indoor record of 6.99m on his way to victory in the long jump. Conor Bermingham was second in the pole vault in 3.90m while Luc Bellintani was third in the 60m in 7:18. Brion Hoban was fourth in the shot with a 10.14m which was a…